Palm Friendly

Palm Friendly, in a nut shell, describes a web page that is easily transportable or obtainable using your Palm OS powered hand held device with internet connectivity. To do this, the page must not use java, and should have more textual content than graffic. Generaly speaking, the page should be laid out with respect to bandwidth, as handheld devices aren't as powerful or as fast as your desktop.

Viewing web content on your Palm PDA

Palm Friendly indicates that a page has been carefully created with the goal of making the document easily accessable and viewable to web enabled Palms.

PalmWWW Contains information about methods to view web content on your PDA, as well as information on how to download, edit, and upload web pages using your Palm and an FTP enabled HTTP server. Also contains information on composing pages that are friendly for viewing with the various Palm apps capable of displaying web content.
PalmScape Review A little griping on my part about limitations with PalmScape.