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Passages meaningful, but not yet personally classified
Passages meaningful, personally classified
Logos notes - More appropriately, selected readings that have interested me.
Worship Lyrics - Various hymns and contemporary Christian songs I enjoy.
This is a collection of passages from the Bible that I have found to be personally meaningful to me. As I have done a good deal of my reading digitally through my Palm (a digital tablet) I have encountered a number of passages that hold meaning to me; these are copied into my Palm's memo pad, and a program I have found writes this page from the memos I carry close to my heart.. (Proverbs 3:3: NIV Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.)
Also, passages and suggestions have been offered to me by friends and family for various reasons; these are included here also.
I hope, if you're reading this, that somewhere within this page you may find something useful, or at the very least memorable, as I know I certainly have.
If you wish to discuss any of these notes, or anything else, I would welcome the opportunity to do so with you. email me if you like. Other contact information can be found here.
2000/12/02 11:04
And be sure to check this site out; it's an excellent search and translation engine for the Bible! It is PDA friendly as well.
Concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, and yes, they even have bibles No clue as to the suitability for a PDA at this time.
2001-12-23 16:04
Entries proceeded with a date are usually notes I made in Church or Sunday school, or were so noteworthy of the date and time that I felt it was worthy to record it. Church notes are stored in my PDA to prevent my Bible from turning into this: http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/hornsey/515/20011125135749-2.jpg
I keep the most recent copy of my notes in my PDA; the most up to date version that I share with the world is found here: http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/hornsey/515/FaithNotes/DWPj's_FaithNotes.html; I try to update this at least once a week.
By no means is this meant to be exhaustive, complete, or authoritive! This is just stuff that I've found that I find to be meaningful or helpful to myself or people I personally know. If anyone else can benefit from this, then the effort is even more meaningful!
2000/12/02 11:04
Most likely, scriptural references are to KJV text unless otherwise indicated. Somewhere in this mess of memos is a list of abbreviations and translations; reference it for further information.
2002-01-22 4:45
I have become sufficient enough with the Palm Desktop software to allow better organization of these notes. I hope this will make the "clustering" a little more logical.
The most recent version of these notes can be found here.
2002-11-03 18:05
You can also see some web pages generated from the notes I've collected using the Logos system.
2002-11-06 18:43
I've reorganized the notes, given that they weren't all fitting into the same place too well. Web pages generated by the Logos system are in one place, the web page generated by the PDA's memo pad in another; perhaps soon I'll add a new section for pages that I found on-line and decided to mirror. Some links may be broken.
The purpose of this has changed somewhat since I originally created it some time back. I find myself now having a massive collection of notes and/or "studies" that I would like to have access to at any time, not just when I'm near my computer. I also have an adversion to printing all of this stuff out (it changes too much), and thanks to the miracle of technology, I can organize and tote all of this stuff with me using my PDA.
Note that subjects may be covered in multiple places; judgment is present in both the Logos and the Palm sections of this page, the reason being is that as I do my "general reading" and find a relevant passage I'll stuff it into a Palm memo, and at some point thereafter incorporate it into the Logos notes if it's appopriate.
Good luck; and God Bless!